Ms. Lien talks about the importance of diversification into other currencies. In the old days, US dollar was king and that the currency environment was pretty static ...
Mr. Derman delivers a good point in this short video without using math jargons. All these mathematics being used nowadays by the financial institutions are really glamorous excuses to either ...
Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist who pretty much founded the behavioral economics discipline. In other words, his work proves the prevailing economic theories pretty much all useless garbage. In this ...
A very short TedTalk from Angela Lee Duckworth on how students of various kinds can come out ahead in their classes by having grit. This presentation is ...
Jonathan Bricker is a researcher on behavioural change. His work shows that discipline alone is not enough to induce changes on negative behaviours or habits. Instead, having a strategy based ...
One thing that sets apart the winners from the rest in competitive environment is grit. This talk gives you an overview why it matters and how to improve yours. ...
Another useful thing one can do to improve your brain function. Traders who need to improve their game will find the ideas from this video more practical and effective than ...
A great talk on the concept of luck. Kevin Slavin has done a talk on algos in financial markets several years ago and I am very impressed by his work. ...
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of thinking in terms of probability and how useful it is for anyone in making any kind of decisions that involve trade-offs and risks. ...