Weekend Humour: Where To Find … According to Google
By Lawrence
Something you never think of. You can click on the picture to view in full size.
MidKnight January 4, 2015 at 6:31 pm
That was really funny and surprising to me – am I showing my age somewhat by saying that most of those searches would certainly not be my most interested aspects of those locations……oh dear – I’m getting old.
Others Predictions There are some interesting predictions I have seen that are worth mentioning. First, the one for its entertainment value goes to Saxo Bank's annual "Saxo Bank ...
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This video is part of the Economics course offered at Yale. A good discussion of performance measures like Sharpe Ratio and the half truth nature of Efficent Markets Hypothesis. This ...
That was really funny and surprising to me – am I showing my age somewhat by saying that most of those searches would certainly not be my most interested aspects of those locations……oh dear – I’m getting old.