What To Put Into The Forum Download Area First?

By Lawrence

I have a huge collection of scripts, data, indicators, example systems, etc. on hand.

The difficult part is to figure out an organized way to upload these things to the forum.

Or do I really need a plan at all?

Something I have to decide quickly.

Let me know what you think. You can comment here, post your suggestion in the forum (I have started a thread there already) or email me. I will gather the ideas and get someone to organize the stuff.


  • zeke March 20, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    not a direct comment to this but a general question……where is the premium material located? That is, I am thinking of becoming a premium member-really like your site, it reminds me of cxoadvisory.com……..but on that site (say) its clear what premium membership gets you-i can’t figure out where the premium signals are on your site. If I become a premium member does a whole new section of the site open up? All the SP500 signals seems to be available free so just confused what else would become available to premium members. Sorry if its a confusing question or if I am missing something incredibly obvious.

    • Lawrence Chan March 20, 2013 at 5:08 pm

      The premium reports like cycle projections are listed in their respective symbol page.

      Since you mentioned S&P, look to the left side where the daily cheatsheet table is. Click the symbols to see the older reports.

      For S&P premium signal I have posted only one premium setup (the NFP bias).
      I guess I should post a few more quickly. =)

  • zeke March 20, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    thanks for the fast response-will spend some more time looking at the site.

    btw, was coding your simpleton counter trend into strategy desk. its solid, but how do you get 36% annualized??? strategy desk only lets me go back to 2000, so 2000 to present I get an annualized of 10% for long only (with a 72% success rate-very nice). would the short side add that much more??

    for example, for 2012 i get a return of (long only) 10.89% (and for shorts it was basically flat).
    for 2011 19.86% long
    for 2010 15.15% long
    for 2009 21.63% long
    for 2008 21.13% long
    for 2007 8.63% long
    for 2006 11.76% long
    for 2005 5.58% long

    my last few trades would have been (long only)

    buy 2/5/2013 at open
    sell 2/6/2013 at open
    buy 2/21 at open
    sell 2/28 at open
    buy 3/19 at open

    it is quite possibly i am doing something incredibly stupid……but any thoughts on this would be most welcomed.


    • Lawrence Chan March 20, 2013 at 11:37 pm

      A part of the short return is skewed due to the 2008 crisis, but it is still more than the long side in general in other years.

  • zeke April 17, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Lawrence-I posted a question in the forum about your counter-trend strategy as I cannot get anywhere near your 36% annualized, even when I look at the long and short trades. Any insight you can give would be most appreciated. thanks!

    • Lawrence Chan April 21, 2014 at 8:33 pm

      I replied to your question. Did you check that?

      Next time please post in the forum with your question. It is better posted to where it belongs.

  • MidKnight April 18, 2014 at 2:05 am

    I’m not sure what you are asking here LC….My only request is that you may be uploading things that are market specific (such as some systems you share). If you are sharing things that are market specific, it would be great if you could spread the markets out across consecutive sharing. Otherwise I don’t think much of a plan is required – bring it on!

    With kind regards,

    • Lawrence Chan April 21, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      Okay …

      I tried to keep things organized until past few weeks when our site was hit bad by bots. The problem is mostly taken care of so we are back on track to upload things and posting.

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