WTF Chart of the Day: GE Tells You What The US Investors Are Really Doing

By Lawrence

GE has a good run since the great spike low of 2009. But can it last?

WTF Chart of the Day_20130618_200435

Why do the media stop talking about GE?

It is, after all, the bellwether stock of the US stock market because of its conglomerate status. In fact, this GE chart closely resemble the overall economic activities of the United States.

GE stock price has not recovered at all after the internet dotcom crash. It cannot even recover half of its loss from the year 2007 peak.

Assuming majority of US investors were holding at least some GE and similar big caps through the 10 years of turbulence since year 2000, it is no wonder why retail investors have not been participating in the latest stock market rally.

If the long term chart of GE is telling us anything about the future, it is not good for the GE shareholders.


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