I posted the Y2K analog back in January and the striking resemblance keeps giving. Let's take a look at an update of this comparison of year 2000 and what ...
Daily chart of Tesla Motors (TSLA) below with STOPD Levels. Blue lines highlight the year 2012 STOPD levels. Notice how the breakout above 2013 first quarter ...
Dow is going to have another major shake up on September 20, 2013. Since component changes is such a rare event, its impact on the market is profound. Here are ...
Jim Cramer on TheStreet, http://www.thestreet.com/story/12027849/1/cramer-jump-on-jc-penney.html ZeroHedge quotes his words with sarcastic comments, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-26/how-lose-32-jim-cramer-three-weeks-jump-jc-penney that's back on September 05, 2013. People who fall for his argument ...